
27 January 2010


These two spend most of the day ignoring each other.  But, I caught them in a rare moment, ca-noodling atop the bookcase.  That's Ripley on the left and Sampson on the right.


KandN said...

I love the expressions on their faces!

Julia Shinkle said...

I love that you got that shot...They are both so pretty. I'll be sure to show Avery...the ultimate Cat lover!

Amber said...

I think the look on Sammy's face is "Oh, crap, she caught us" while Rip's clearly says "What?! Got a problem with this?"

Julia, I hope Avery enjoys, she is my fellow cat lover!

The Mulligan Family said...

Really sweet photo! Love the two different colored eyes on Ripley. Awesome!