
31 January 2007

After 4 1/2 years...

You would think that it would get easier. You think that I could talk about Dad without crying. You would think I could just talk about him. But, it's like it was yesterday. Still. I remember every god damn minute of that god damn day - I don't remember every minute of anything else, just that day. The worse day of my entire life, seared into my brain, causing pain and tears with just the slightest memory of it.

Dad would be very proud of Aut and I today. He would love Dylan, love the fact that he was all-boy with his love of cars and trucks and tease him for not ever wanting to get dirty. It sucks to think about having kids without my Dad to be around. It sucks. Everything about it sucks.

Currently Listening To: Carry on by Tim McGraw

1 comment:

Julia Shinkle said...

Isn't it strange how you will just be going about your day and all of a sudden it will hit you like a ton of bricks that he is not here and all of the memories that are happening without him. Just talk of him often and teach Dylan about him. Rowdy asks about Grandpa David all the time. You should try making a scrapbook about him for Dylan. Hang in there.