
23 July 2009

Poor Flurry...

Our big fat Maine Coon, Sampson, is having issues. He has had an allergic reaction the last 2 summers and had to get a steroid injection. He feels better, but because he was so itchy, he licked obsessively and now he's lost all of his long, flowing rump fur. He's still got the short furs, but he looks so strange with what we are now calling a bald butt. It's growing back, but not quickly enough!

Here he is in his more flurry days:

And here he is when he learned I was posting about this embarrassing situation:

1 comment:

Mouchois said...

Oh Sampson. There's no need to be embarrassed! You still look beautiful!

Melvin and I would like to thank you for your prayers and thoughts on Thursday. I honestly feel that he recovered so well with the help of all his friends sending good vibes. Our vet doesn't want to put Melvin on Phenobarbitol due to his small size and apparent "fragile state". His innards like to grow faster that his body, so my vet feels that this is connected in some way. Mainly it's due to his odd little dwarfism problem. Good news is, the vets that I spoke with all feel that he should grow out of this as soon as his body catches up (much like Human primordial dwarves).

Thank you so much for your comments and knowledge. All of the comments I received help me speak with my veterinarians and discuss ALL the possibilities. It wasn't until an exotic vet came in and suggested that maybe he has a growth problem. Sure enough... He does!

Bless you!