
13 January 2008

Irrational Fears...

So, we all have them, irrational fears. Mine is frogs. Yup, frogs. I don't know why, I happen to think that frogs are cute and adorable and like looking at pictures, behind glass or from afar. I don't do well when they are within a foot or 2 of me. And I live on a wetland. Which equals LOTS of tree frogs. So, here's my story.

Got home last night from Dylio's birthday party and came in and let the dog out and fed her. Walked up and down the hallway a couple of times, noticing the cat Ripley burring or batting at something. I turned on the lights, thinking it was cat puke but no, that would have been better. It was a frog... a damn frog in MY damn house. I screamed. Thank god Cesar was home. He came over and got a plastic cup and scooped it up. Turns out it was dead. A damn dead frog in my damn house. Our theory is that it got in the garage and died, then my lovely felines brought it in. We're still ruling out suspects, so far the dog and my cat McGuire and Leah have been cleared.

So, I was freaked out all night, didn't want to get off my bed, like it was an island. I even made Cesar look under the bed to make sure there were no more frogs.

There was a damn dead frog in my damn house. Ugh.

1 comment:

Julia Shinkle said...

I love this post. I could totally hear your voice in my head as I read the words. I am so sorry. I hate that feeling of uninvited little creatures in your house. I feel your pain. We have mice. I think I have got a handle on them as of late. When I found tiny little teeth marks in our butter one morning I went to war and started setting traps everywhere. I hope you don't have anymore frogs.